Om brug af wikier og om en ny international portal for mikroopgaver

jeg er faktisk ikk helt klar over, hvad dette er, men hvis jeg nu var i London, ville jeg dukke op til dette møde, som åbenbart handler om, hvordan wikis bruges i forskellige sammenhæng.

    The first London Wiki Wednesday for almost 12 months, takes place this week in central London. Details at
    (or )
    The format is lots of speakers get 5 minutes each, also food and wine.

ham, jeg har fået mailen fra, hedder Andy Roberts, og han skal også tale:

    For my turn, I shall be talking about Wiki Facilitation ( ) and then introducing as the UK representative.

Det, der virkelig fanger MIN interesse er, at han omtaler en ny portal for mikrojobs:

    Pajama Nation will be of interest to those of us who are self employed working from home, as it aims to become the first global marketplace for ‘microjobs’ – smallish well defined parcels of work which can be agreed and delivered online.

    Registration with is free up until March 15th, so you can test the system by searching for microjobs or posting your own at

    The UK local site is due to launch on April 15th

Yes, lad os prøve det.

Abelone Glahn

Én kommentar til “Om brug af wikier og om en ny international portal for mikroopgaver

  • Da jeg kan se, at Lars Plougman skal tale dér også, kan det være, at Lars vil fortælle lidt mere om, hvad foraet er.

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